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Academic Publications (Journals, Book Chapters, Reviews, Books)
Rhoden, S. (under contract) The Discomfort Zone: Cultural Congruence is Key in K-12 Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Rhoden, S. (2019) I am Not Supposed to Be Here: Why Numbers Sometimes Lie. In Robinson, M. & Wright, B. (Eds.), Gumbo for The Soul III: Scottsdale, AZ: Information Age Publishing.
Rhoden, S. (2019) Walls and Bridges: Teaching Culture and Diversity to Pre-Service Teachers. In Bolton, P., Smith, C., & Bebout, L. (Eds.), Teaching with Tension: Race, Resistance, and Reality in the Classroom. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Rhoden, S. (2018) Perseverance will Prevail: Three Black Males Whose Lives Matter. In Ransaw, K. (Ed), The Handbook of Research on Black Males: East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press
Rhoden, S. (2018) Building Trust and Resilience among Black Male High School Students: Boys to Men. New York, NY: Routledge.
Rhoden, S. (2017) Small Learning Communities (SLCs) and the Importance of Listening. In Kent, A.M. & Green, A.M. (Eds.), Examining Best Practices in Mentoring Public School Educators throughout the Professional Journey. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Rhoden, S. (2017) Review of Addicted to Reform: A 12-Step Program to Rescue Public Education, by John Merrow, Teachers College Record, 2017, p.-.
Rhoden, S. (2017) Trust Me, You Are Going to College”: How Trust Influences Academic Achievement in Black Males. The Journal of Negro Education, 86(1), 52-64.
Rhoden, S. (2017) Performing Love: A Complex Man Showing off His Simplicity. In Ford, D.M. (Ed.), Telling Our Stories. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Online/Popular Print/Media Publications
Rhoden, S. (2020, June 12) A Letter to My Kids Regarding #BlackLivesMatter. Scottsdale Independent
Rhoden, S. (2020, June 10) The Push to Diversify Arizona's Teacher Workforce. ABC15 Arizona.
Rhoden, S. (2020, March 2) Black History Month 2020: Parent Perspective. Scottsdale Parent Council Guest Blog.
Rhoden, S. (2018 May 18) Come Together: Education Equity, Choice and the Need for Small Schools 2.0. Hawk Hopes Blog.
Rhoden, S. (2016 November 20) Where is the Love? Why it is Critical to Train Teachers in Culture and Diversity, NOW! The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2016 October 14) Lessons for Parents from the Front Lines. The Huffington Post
Rhoden, S. (2016 June 10) Ali the Neighbor. Muhammad Ali Special Multimedia Tribute.
Rhoden, S. (2016, March 16) Review of Teaching While Black: A New Voice on Race and Education in NYC. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2016, February 4) School Choice: Identifying and Choosing Between Different School Cultures. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, December 2) The Dawn of Age of Pragmatic Activism. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, October 19) Is the Number of Black Teachers in Decline? It Depends on Who you Ask. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, September 18) Come Together: A Reading List for Educators, Politicians and Parents to Bridge the Gap and Find Common Ground (Part One). The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, August 21) The Elusive “Golden Age” of Public Education. Hint: It Has Never Existed, The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, June 29) The Death (and Potential Life) of Teachers of Color, The Huffington Post
Rhoden, S. (2015, May 29) What it Means to be a ‘Proficient’ Teacher. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, May 4) Waiting for Martin? Long Live the King in Each of Us. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2015, April 6) Why the “Opt-Out Movement” for High-Stakes Testing is Bad for Students in Urban Public Schools. Guest Blog for Equity Alliance Blog.
Rhoden, S. (2015, January 23) If the Russians Love Their Children Too: The Hypocrisy and Promise of “Bad” Public Servants. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, November 24) The End of the Innocence: A Letter to Dr. William Henry Cosby. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, November 14) Reflections on the First International Urban Education Conference. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, October 3) You Must Learn: What is Diversity? The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, September 23) What Can You Do for Brown? The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, September 16) The Importance of Building Trust in Schools for Black Male Students. The Huffington Post.
Rhoden, S. (2014, June 14) A Father's Day Letter. Guest Blog post for BK Nation.
In the News
Rosequist, M. (2021, June)Leading with Empathy and Compassion. Scottsdale Independent (quoted).
Anderson, G. (2021, February 26) A Racial Trust Deficit in Higher Ed. Inside Higher Ed. (quoted).
Martinez, J. (2020, March 2) Scottsdale Schools Community Reacts to Superintendent Announcement (quoted).
Rhoden, S. (2018, September 1) Interview with Terrance Thornton. Perception of Equality. Scottsdale Independent, September 2018.
Rhoden, S. (2018, July 19) Family Responsibilities force me from Continuing Scottsdale School Board Race, Scottsdale Independent.
Rhoden, S. (2018, January 18) It’s Time for an Educator to have a Vote in Scottsdale Schools. Scottsdale Independent.
Rhoden, S. (2014) Letter to the Editor - Too Harsh on Charter Schools? Rethinking Schools, vol 28, no 3.
Rhoden, S. (2012) Is Smaller Better? AERA GSC Connections Newsletter, Fall 2012, p. 22.
Rhoden, S. (2010, December 23) Voices of the Dropout Nation: Stuart Rhoden on the Need for Strong, Savvy Teachers. Guest Blog post for Dropout Nation
Rhoden, S. (2008) UTLA Needs to Be Progressive. Los Angeles Times, 06/24/08.
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